Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sunday, March 1st, 2009

The 1st Sunday of the Great Fast. The saint commemorated today is Eudoxia. The first reading is from the epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews Chapter 11; verse 24 through 26. Verse 32 to Chapter 12; verse 2. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. John Chapter 1; verse 43 through 51.

MP3 File

Friday, February 27, 2009

Saturday, Feb. 28th, 2009

The saint commemorated today is our Venerable Father Basil. The first reading is from the epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews Chapter 1; verse 1 through 12. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Chapter 2; verse 23 to Chapter 3; verse 5.

MP3 File

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Friday, Feb. 27th, 2009

The saint commemorated today is Procopius. The first reading is from the book of Genesis Chapter 2; verse 20 to Chapter 3; verse 20. The second reading is from the book of Proverbs Chapter 3; verse 19 through 34.

MP3 File

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Thursday, Feb. 26th, 2009

The saint commemorated today is Porphry of Gaza - Bishop. The first reading is from the book of Genesis Chapter 2; verse 4 through 19. The second reading is from the book of Proverbs Chapter 3; verse 1 through 19.

MP3 File

Monday, February 23, 2009

Wednesday, Feb. 25th, 2009

The saint commemorated today is Tarasius - Patriarch. The first reading is from the book of Genesis Chapter 1; verse 24 to Chapter 2; verse 3. The second reading is from the book of Proverbs Chapter 2; verse 1 through 21.

MP3 File

Tuesday, Feb. 24th, 2009

The saint commemorated today is Erasmus - Venerable. The first reading is from the book of Genesis Chapter 1; verse 14 through 23. The second reading is from the book of Proverbs Chapter 1; verse 20 through 33.

MP3 File

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Monday, Feb. 23rd, 2009

The first day of the Great Fast. The martyr commemorated today is Polycarp - Bishop. The first reading is from the book of Genesis Chapter 1; verse 1 through 13. The second reading is from the book of Proverbs Chapter 1; verse 1 through 20.

MP3 File

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sunday, Feb. 22nd, 2009

The Sunday of Cheesefare. Today commemorates the finding of the venerable relics of the martyrs of Eugenia. The first reading is from the epistle of St. Paul to the Romans Chapter 13; verse 11 to Chapter 14; verse 4. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew Chapter 6; verse 14 through 21.

MP3 File

Friday, February 20, 2009

Saturday, Feb. 21st, 2009

The Saturday of All Holy Ascetical Fathers and Mothers. The saint commemorated today is Timothy the Hermit. The first reading is from the epistle of St. Paul to the Romans Chapter 14; verse 19 to Chapter 15; verse 3. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew Chapter 6; verse 1 through 13.

MP3 File

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Friday, Feb. 20th, 2009

The saint commemorated today is Leo of Catania. The reading is from the book of Zechariah Chapter 8: verse 7 through 17 and 19 through 23.

MP3 File

Thursday, Feb. 19th, 2009

The saint commemorated today is Archippus - Apostle. The first reading is from the epistle of St. Jude verse 11 through 25. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke Chapter 23; verse 1 through 34 and 44 through 56.

MP3 File

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wednesday, Feb. 18th, 2009

The saint commemorated today Leo the Great - Pope. The first reading is from the book of Joel Chapter 2; verse 12 through 25. The second reading is from the book of Joel Chapter 4; verse 12 through 21.

MP3 File

Monday, February 16, 2009

Tuesday, Feb. 17th, 2009

The martyr commemorated today is Theodore the Recruit. The first reading is from the epistle of St. Jude verse 1 through 10. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to Saint Luke Chapter 22; verse 39 through 42 and verse 45 through Chapter 23; verse 1.

MP3 File

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Monday Episode

Dear Friends,

I got really tied down with obligations to my employer this weekend. I will have Monday's episode posted sometime in the afternoon. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sunday, Feb. 15th, 2009

The Sunday of Meatfare. The saint commemorated today is Onesimus. The first reading is from the 1st epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians Chapter 8; verse 8 to Chapter 9; verse 2. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew Chapter 25; verse 31 through 46.

MP3 File

Friday, February 13, 2009

Saturday, Feb. 14th, 2009

The 1st All Souls Saturday. The saint commemorated today is our venerable father Auxentius. The first reading is from the epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians Chapter 10; verse 23 through 26. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke Chapter 21; verse 8 through 9, 25 through 27, and 33 through 36.

MP3 File

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Friday, Feb. 13th, 2009

Today commemorates the death of Cyril - Apostle to the Slavs. The saint commemorated today is Martinian. The first reading is from the epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews Chapter 7; verse 26 to Chapter 8; verse 2. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. John Chapter 10; verse 9 through 16.

MP3 File

Thursday, Feb. 12th, 2009

The saint commemorated today is Meletius - Archbishop. The first reading is from the 1st epistle of St. John Chapter 4; verse 20 to Chapter 5; verse 21. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Chapter 15; verse 1 through 15.

MP3 File

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wednesday, Feb. 11th, 2009

The martyr commemorated today is Blase - Bishop. The first reading is fromthe 1st epistle of St. John Chapter 3; verse 21 to Chapter 4; verse 6. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Chapter 14; verse 43 to Chapter 15; verse 1.

MP3 File

Monday, February 9, 2009

Tuesday, Feb. 10th, 2009

The martyr commemorated today is Charalampus. The first reading is from the 1st epistle of St. John Chapter 3; verse 10 through 20. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Chapter 14; verse 10 through 42.

MP3 File

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Monday, Feb. 9th, 2009

The martyr commemorated today is Nicephorus. The first reading is from the 1st epistle of St. John Chapter 2; verse 18 to Chapter 3; verse 10. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Chapter 11; verse 1 through 11.

MP3 File

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sunday, Feb. 8th, 2009

Today's episode is special to me for two reasons.

1. I first set foot in St. Luke's Byzantine Catholic Church exactly 6 years ago.

2. Today's Gospel reading is my story of how I came back home to the Church.

Sorry I took so long getting this posted. I wanted to do my best. A many thanks to the 150 listeners who pray with me each day in this unique and special way.


The Sunday of the Prodigal Son. The martyr commemorated today is Theodore. The first reading is from the 1st epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians Chapter 6; verse 12 through 20. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke Chapter 15; verse 11 through 32.

MP3 File

Friday, February 6, 2009

Saturday, Feb. 7th, 2009

The saint commemorated today is Parthenius - Bishop. The first reading is from the 2nd epistle of St. Paul to Timothy Chapter 3; verse 1 through 9. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke Chapter 20; verse 46 to Chapter 21; verse 4.

MP3 File

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Friday, Feb. 6th, 2009

The commemorated today is Bucolus - Bishop. The first reading is from the 1st epistle of St. John Chapter 2; verse 7 through 17. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Chapter 14; verse 3 through 9.

MP3 File

Thursday, Feb. 5th, 2009

The martyr commemorated today is Agatha. The first reading is from the 1st epistle of St. John Chapter 1; verse 8 to Chapter 2; verse 6. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Chapter 13; verse 31 to Chapter 14; verse 2.

MP3 File

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wednesday, Feb. 4th, 2009

The saint commemorated today is the Venerable Isidore. The first reading is from the 2nd epistle of St. Peter Chapter 3; verse 1 through 18. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Chapter 13; verse 24 through 31.

MP3 File

Monday, February 2, 2009

Tuesday, Feb. 3rd, 2009

The Synaxis of the Holy Prophets Simeon & Anna. The first reading is from the epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews Chapter 9; verse 11 through 14. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke Chapter 2; verse 25 through 38.

MP3 File