Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sunday, Feb. 8th, 2009

Today's episode is special to me for two reasons.

1. I first set foot in St. Luke's Byzantine Catholic Church exactly 6 years ago.

2. Today's Gospel reading is my story of how I came back home to the Church.

Sorry I took so long getting this posted. I wanted to do my best. A many thanks to the 150 listeners who pray with me each day in this unique and special way.


The Sunday of the Prodigal Son. The martyr commemorated today is Theodore. The first reading is from the 1st epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians Chapter 6; verse 12 through 20. The second reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke Chapter 15; verse 11 through 32.

MP3 File


Anonymous said...

Br. Brian,

As you continue to be a Blessing to others, may you be Blessed many times over, yourself......Your ministry is of God........

Br. Don

Anonymous said...

Thank you Br. Don!

Your humble servent in IC XC,

Brian Biggerstaff

Christopher said...


I am a relatively new subscriber to your blog / Daily Readings

I am a Latin Catholic in Johnson County but hope to make it up to Sugar Creek for Divine Liturgy some time soon.

God Bless you and your Work