Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday, Mar. 19th, 2009

The martyrs commemorated today are Chrysanthus & Daria. The first reading is from the book of Genesis Chapter 10; verse 32 to Chapter 11; verse 9. The second reading is from the book of Proverbs Chapter 13; verse 19 to Chapter 14; verse 6.

MP3 File


Anonymous said...

Br. Brian,

Tis good to have you back on line.....hope it was not illness..
Stay well.........Blessings

Br. Don

Brian Biggerstaff said...

Thanks Bro Don! I quit smoking 15 days ago. I came to the logical conclusion as I was praying before an Icon of the Theotokos that my prayer was not that pure after I get done sucking down a Marlboro. Since then I have been coughing all that stuff up that has been trapped in my lungs.

All is well now and I feel much better.

Your humble servant IC XC,
Brian J. Biggerstaff